- A Sylvester Stallone movie in which he plays loose cannon policeman John Spartan, who is dedicated to hunting down psychopathic and master criminal Simon Phoenix (Wesley Snipes), causing havoc and property destruction every time they face off. This earns Spartan the nickname “Demolition Man”. Their final confrontation goes a little too far, resulting in the deaths of several dozen innocent hostages. Luckily Phoenix was finally captured in the chaos, but both men are condemned to Human Popsicle-ization.
- Shetland Plate (Wikipedia)
The Shetland Plate, or South Shetland Plate, is a tectonic microplate located off the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula that contains the South Shetland Islands. The plate is bordered on three sides by the Antarctic Plate, while the fourth side is bordered by the Scotia Plate. The northwestern border is defined by the South Shetland Trench, separating the Shetland Plate to the south from the Antarctic Plate to the north. This trench is the remnant of a subduction zone where the defunct Phoenix Plate, now part of the Antarctic Plate, subducted under the Antarctic Peninsula and the Shetland Islands. The southeastern border is a rift zone, with the Antarctic Plate creating the Bransfield Basin. The southwestern and northeastern boundaries are each part of larger fracture zones. The southwestern border is the Hero Fracture Zone and separates the Antarctic Plate to the southwest from the Shetland Plate to the northeast. The northeastern boundary is the Shackleton Fracture Zone and separates the Shetland Plate to the southwest from the Scotia Plate.