Demolition Man- A Sylvester Stallone movie in which he plays loose cannon policeman John Spartan, who is dedicated to hunting down psychopathic and master criminal Simon Phoenix (Wesley Snipes), causing havoc and property destruction every time they face off. This earns Spartan the nickname “Demolition Man”. Their final confrontation goes a little too far, resulting in the deaths of several dozen innocent hostages. Luckily Phoenix was finally captured in the chaos, but both men are condemned to Human Popsicle-ization.
- Cube (Wikipedia)
In geometry, a cube or regular hexahedron is a three-dimensional solid object bounded by six congruent square faces, a type of polyhedron. It has twelve congruent edges and eight vertices. It is a type of parallelepiped, with pairs of parallel opposite faces, and more specifically a rhombohedron, with congruent edges, and a rectangular cuboid, with right angles between pairs of intersecting faces and pairs of intersecting edges. It is an example of many classes of polyhedra: Platonic solid, regular polyhedron, parallelohedron, zonohedron, and plesiohedron. The dual polyhedron of a cube is the regular octahedron.