- Add a page listing the best resources to check when expanding a page, e.g., during a random walk. This page should be listed.
- Divide by Zero (allthetropes.org)
The characters did something so incredibly wrong that reality itself couldn’t handle it. Could be the result of a Time Paradox, the result of a Yin-Yang Clash, or an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object, or the risk behind the Forbidden Chekhov’s Gun.
- Reasoning with God (allthetropes.org)
A plot point where a mortal persuades the Powers That Be to come to their aid or postpone/abort an act of divine wrath.
- All The Tropes is a community-edited wiki website dedicated to discussing Creators, Works, and Tropes – the people, projects and patterns of creative writing in all kinds of entertainment: television, literature, movies, video games, and more.