And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
Genesis 1:15 KJV
- Tukwila Formation—Andesitic to dacitic volcanic sandstone, siltstone, shale, tuff-breccia, tuff, volcanic mudflow (lahar), carbonaceous shales, and minor lava flows or sills. Typically massive; only local sedimentary interbeds indicate structure. K-Ar age on plagioclase from tuff-breccia at top of unit, about 3 km west of quadrangle, yielded an age of 42.0±2.4 Ma (Turner and others, 1983)
- Bald Hill, northwest of Monroe, consists primarily of andesite flows. These blue-green porphyritic rocks weather quite readily to a light grey material with a reddish hue which can easily be disintegrated by hand. At several localities on Bald Hill vertical dikes are exposed which contain andesite xenoliths in a fine grained matrix.
While cutting a way through the bamboos we suddenly stumbled upon a block of lava (andesite). I was delighted to see it, for I had not previously seen as much as a pebble since we left Laikipia. As I examined it, my interest was roused.
John Walter Gregory, The Great Rift Valley- Mount Baker
- The stratovolcano is composed mainly of andesite lava flows and breccias and was largely formed prior to the most recent major glaciation (Fraser Glaciation), which occurred between about 25,000 and 10,000 years ago.
- Andesite (Wikipedia)
Andesite (/ˈændəzaɪt/) is a volcanic rock of intermediate composition. In a general sense, it is the intermediate type between silica-poor basalt and silica-rich rhyolite. It is fine-grained (aphanitic) to porphyritic in texture, and is composed predominantly of sodium-rich plagioclase plus pyroxene or hornblende.