- East Asia (Wikipedia)
East Asia is a region of Asia, which is defined in both geographical and ethno-cultural terms. The modern states of East Asia include China, Japan, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, and Taiwan. Hong Kong and Macau, two small coastal cities located in the south of China, are autonomous regions under Chinese sovereignty. The economies of Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau are some of the world’s largest and most prosperous economies. East Asia borders Siberia and the Russian Far East to the north, Southeast Asia to the south, South Asia to the southwest, and Central Asia to the west. To the east is the Pacific Ocean and to the southeast is Micronesia (a Pacific Ocean island group that is classified as part of Oceania).
- How Animals See the World (artsandculture.google.com)
Each type of animal on Earth has evolved a range of senses and skills which allow it to live successfully in its environment. Many of these adaptations are very different from how humans have evolved, and compared to humans some of these adaptations feel like they belong in a superhero comic. Senses such as ultraviolet vision, extra color receptors, and echolocation are very hard for humans to imagine, yet are part of the everyday life of hundreds of species of animals.