- Eoarchean (Wikipedia)
The Eoarchean (IPA: /ˌiːoʊ.ɑːrˈkiːən/ EE-oh-ar-KEE-ən; also spelled Eoarchaean) is the first era of the Archean Eon of the geologic record. It spans 431 million years, from the end of the Hadean Eon 4031 Mya to the start of the Paleoarchean Era 3600 Mya. The beginnings of life on Earth have been dated to this era and evidence of archaea and cyanobacteria date to 3500 Mya, comparatively shortly after the Eoarchean. At that time, the atmosphere was without oxygen and the pressure values ranged from 10 to 100 bar (around 10 to 100 times the atmospheric pressure today).
- How Animals See the World (artsandculture.google.com)
Each type of animal on Earth has evolved a range of senses and skills which allow it to live successfully in its environment. Many of these adaptations are very different from how humans have evolved, and compared to humans some of these adaptations feel like they belong in a superhero comic. Senses such as ultraviolet vision, extra color receptors, and echolocation are very hard for humans to imagine, yet are part of the everyday life of hundreds of species of animals.