- Cebalrai (stars.astro.illinois.edu)
CEBALRAI (Beta Ophiuchi). At the northern tip of Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer, lies Rasalhague, the bright Alpha star. Helping to form the huge rough pentagon that makes the classic figure is Cebalrai, at the pentagon’s northeastern corner, its position and bright third magnitude status (2.77) causing Bayer to call it “Beta.”
- Beta Ophiuchi (Wikipedia)
Beta Ophiuchi or β Ophiuchi, also named Cebalrai /ˌsɛbəlˈreɪ.iː/, is a star in the equatorial constellation of Ophiuchus. The apparent visual magnitude of this star is 2.7, which is readily visible to the naked eye even from urban skies. The distance to this star can be estimated using parallax measurements, yielding a value of 83.4 light-years (25.6 parsecs) from the Sun.