- excellular: Cellular Automata with Excel (github.com)
This spreadsheet contains two cellular automata: the classic elementary automata described by Stephen Wolfram in A New Kind of Science, and a 4-color totalistic automata described by Kenneth E. Perry in the December 1986 issue of BYTE magazine.
- Abstract Mathematical Art (BYTE magazine, December 1986)
COMPUTER-GENERATED mathematical art is art created by pure mathematics as opposed to other forms of computer graphics. In this article, the mathematical entities are “one-dimensional cellular automata.” I have found their study exciting and astounding.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Cellular Automata (plato.standford.edu)
Cellular automata (henceforth: CA) are discrete, abstract computational systems that have proved useful both as general models of complexity and as more specific representations of non-linear dynamics in a variety of scientific fields. Firstly, CA are (typically) spatially and temporally discrete: they are composed of a finite or denumerable set of homogeneous, simple units, the atoms or cells. At each time unit, the cells instantiate one of a finite set of states. They evolve in parallel at discrete time steps, following state update functions or dynamical transition rules: the update of a cell state obtains by taking into account the states of cells in its local neighborhood (there are, therefore, no actions at a distance).