dead at the moment
Smooth Cat’s Ear peeking through
Dead horsetails along the railroad tracks
Dead plants along the railroad tracks
Spotty leaves of the bigleaf maple (1 of 2)
Spotty leaves of the bigleaf maple (2 of 2)
Reminiscent of the old log jams
Sasquatch! Music Festival
Abbie Hoffman
Abraham Robinson
Ada Lovelace
Adolf Hitler
Agatha Christie
Akira Kurosawa
Alan Turing
Albert Abraham Michelson
Albert Einstein
Aldous Huxley
Alec Guinness
Aleister Crowley
Alexander Schmorell
Alexander Shulgin
Alexei Navalny
Alfred Hitchcock
Algernon Forrest Little
Alice Bailey
Alice Liddell
Allen Ginsberg
Ambrose Bierce
André the Giant
Andrei Tarkovsky
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Johnson
Andy Kaufman
Andy Warhol
Anne Sullivan
Anselm of Canterbury
Anthony Burgess
Aristotle Onassis
Arthur C. Clarke
August Vandekerkhove
Autumn Stone
Ayn Rand
Bartolomeo Cristofori
Baruch Spinoza
Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Harrison
Bernhard Riemann
Bertrand Russell
Bill Gates
Billy Wilder
Bram Stoker
Brian Thompson
Bruce Lee
Buster Keaton
C. S. Lewis
Calvin Coolidge
Carl Sagan
Carrie Fisher
Charles Eastman
Charles Fort
Charles Manson
Charlie Chaplin
Chester A. Arthur
Chuck Jones
Coco Chanel
Colin Chapman
Cyrus the Great
D. W. Griffith
Daniel J. Boorstin
Daniel Webster
David Lean
David Lynch
David MacMichael
Diana, Princess of Wales
Douglas Adams
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Edgar Allan Poe
Edsel Ford
Edsger W. Dijkstra
Edwin Hubble
Edwin Way Teale
Eleanor Roosevelt
Elias Colbert
Elizabeth Siddal
Elvis Presley
Émile Zola
Emily Brontë
Emily Dickinson
Emmy Noether
Enrico Fermi
Eric Frank Russell
Erma Bombeck
Ernest Hemingway
Ernest Rutherford
Ernst Zermelo
Erwin Schrödinger
Eugene V. Debs
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Ferdinand Magellan
Ferdinando de’ Medici
Fidel Castro
Francis Bacon
Franco Vianello
Frank Sinatra
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Franklin Pierce
Franz Kafka
Frédéric Chopin
Frederick Douglass
Frederick the Great
Frederick William I of Prussia
Fritz Lang
Galileo Galilei
Gary Kildall
Georg Cantor
George Carlin
George H. W. Bush
George III
George Moscone
George R. Stewart
George Washington
Gerald Ford
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Grace Hopper
Grigori Rasputin
Grover Cleveland
Hans Hermann von Katte
Harlan Ellison
Harry S. Truman
Hedy Lamarr
Helen Keller
Henry Clay
Henry Ford
Henry II of England
Henry Woldmar Ruoff
Herbert Hoover
Herman Melville
Hermann Göring
Immanuel Kant
Isaac Asimov
Isaac Newton
Italo Calvino
J. J. Thomson
J. R. R. Tolkien
J. Robert Oppenheimer
Jack Kerouac
Jack Parsons
James A. Garfield
James Brown
James Buchanan
James Cook
James K. Polk
James Madison
James Monroe
Janusz Korczak
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Jean-Michel Basquiat
Jeffrey Epstein
Jesse Owens
Jim Henson
Jim Morrison
Jimi Hendrix
Johann Nikolaus Forkel
Johann Sebastian Bach
Johannes Kepler
John Adams
John C. Calhoun
John Cage
John Denver
John F. Kennedy
John Locke
John Louis Emil Dreyer
John M. Pinch
John McCain
John Muir
John Quincy Adams
John Stewart Bell
John Tyler
John von Neumann
John Walter Gregory
John Archibald Wheeler
Jonathan Edwards
Jorge Luis Borges
Joseph Baker
Joseph Campbell
Josh Kirby
Julio Cortázar
Julius Caesar
Julius Fučík
Karl Marx
Kenneth Anger
Kim Porter
Kurt Cobain
Kurt Gödel
L. Frank Baum
Laken Riley
Leif Erikson
Leo Tolstoy
Leonhard Euler
Lewis Carroll
Linus Pauling
Lise Meitner
Louis XVI
Lu Zhi
Lucius Junius Gallio Annaeanus
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Luther Burbank
Lutz Long
Lyndon B. Johnson
M. C. Escher
Mae West
Magdalena Abakanowicz
Mahatma Gandhi
Malcolm X
Marcel Duchamp
Marcus Junius Brutus
Marie Antoinette
Marie Curie
Marilyn Monroe
Mark Antony
Mark Twain
Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Van Buren
Matthew Perry
Matthew Shepard
Max Born
Max Planck
Michalina Janoszanka
Mikhail Gorbachev
Millard Fillmore
Neil Armstrong
Nelson Mandela
Nicolaus Copernicus
Niels Bohr
Niklaus Wirth
Nikola Tesla
Norm Macdonald
Norman McLaren
Orson Welles
Osama bin Laden
Oscar Wilde
Oskar Morgenstern
Pablo Picasso
Patrick Henry Ray
Paul Allen
Paul Dirac
Paul the Apostle
Peter Bordner
Peter Karl Christoph von Keith
Philip José Farmer
Philip K. Dick
Pierre-Simon Laplace
Publilius Syrus
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Raoul Wallenberg
Ray Thomas
René Descartes
Richard E. Byrd
Richard Feynman
Richard Francis Burton
Richard Hinkley Allen
Richard Nixon
Richard Wagner
Robert Burnham Jr.
Robert Falcon Scott
Robert Heinlein
Robert Johnson
Robert Monroe
Robin Williams
Roger Ebert
Ronald Reagan
Ruhollah Khomeini
Russell Johnson
Rutherford B. Hayes
Saddam Hussein
Saint Timothy
Salvador Dalí
Samuel Beckett
Sargon of Akkad
Satoshi Kon
Seneca the Younger
Sergio Leone
Sigmund Freud
Simon Schwendener
Slobodan Milošević
Sophie Scholl
Stanley Kubrick
Stephen Gray
Stephen Hawking
Steve Biko
Strato of Lampsacus
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
Susan Huntington Gilbert Dickinson
Søren Kierkegaard
Terence McKenna
Terry Pratchett
Theodore Roethke
Theodore Roosevelt
Thomas Aquinas
Thomas Carlyle
Thomas Cole
Thomas Edison
Thomas Fuller
Thomas Fuller, M.D.
Thomas Gray
Thomas Paine
Timothy Leary
Tullus Hostilius
Ulysses S. Grant
Valerie Solanas
Vincent van Gogh
Warren G. Harding
Werner Heisenberg
Wernher von Braun
Wilhelm Friedemann Bach
Will Rogers
William Blake
William Goldman
William Henry Harrison
William Herschel
William Marrion Branham
William McKinley
William Shakespeare
William Thomson
Winston Churchill
Woodrow Wilson
Zachary Taylor
Zeno of Citium
Zeno of Elea
Zhuang Zhou
Zinaida Portnova
Seawise Giant