- Denny Creek (wta.org)
This is a popular trail, thanks to its gentle, family friendly grade with amazing destinations. The natural water slide area at Denny Creek is a must visit for families! Keekwulee Falls offers a stunning viewpoint that is easily accessible. Snowshoe Falls maybe a bit elusive and more difficult to see from the trail, but is also a beautiful natural wonder.
- Denny Creek Trail 1014 (fs.usda.gov)
Start hiking in an old-growth forest, cross a bridge over Denny Creek, pass under the I-90 westbound bridge and enter the Alpine Lakes Wilderness. In a mile you’ll hike back across Denny Creek, but without a bridge. Be prepared to turn around here during high water from spring snowmelt. Later in the year large slabs of exposed bedrock next to Denny Creek make this a popular picnic site.
Believe, when you are most unhappy, that there is something for you to do in the world. So long as you can sweeten another’s pain, life is not in vain.
Helen Keller, We Bereaved (1929)