- Beta Pictoris (abbreviated β Pictoris or β Pic) is the second brightest star in the constellation Pictor. It is located 63.4 light-years (19.4 pc) from the Solar System, and is 1.75 times as massive and 8.7 times as luminous as the Sun. The Beta Pictoris system is very young, only 20 to 26 million years old, although it is already in the main sequence stage of its evolution. Beta Pictoris is the title member of the Beta Pictoris moving group, an association of young stars which share the same motion through space and have the same age.
But Iesus knewe their thoughtes and sayde to the. Every kingdome devided wt in it sylfe shalbe brought to naught. Nether shall eny cite or housholde devyded agest it sylfe cotynue.
Matthew 12:25 TYN