- The Double Cluster (also known as Caldwell 14) consists of the open clusters NGC 869 and NGC 884 (often designated h Persei and ? (chi) Persei, respectively), which are close together in the constellation Perseus. Both visible with the naked eye, NGC 869 and NGC 884 lie at a distance of about 7,500 light years in the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way galaxy.
- Racehorse Creek (sir20095170.pdf)
The Racehorse Creek subbasin is about 11 mi2 in size, and is located in the northeastern part of the Nooksack River basin on the northern slope of Slide Mountain in the North Fork Nooksack River basin. This mountain stream subbasin is carved through a mantle of glacial sediments and into bedrock composed of massive sandstone, conglomerate, and shale (Easterbrook and others, 2007).