- Paul Stamets Stack: Microdosing Psilocybin and Lion’s Mane (microdosinginstitute.com)
The Paul Stamets Stack or stacking Lion’s Mane has quickly gained popularity in the microdosing community. Stacking refers to combining various non-psychoactive substances with a psychoactive microdosing substance to increase the benefit related to microdosing. Since renowned mycologist Paul Stamets first mentioned this stacking combination, a large community of biohackers, microdosers and people looking to improve their brain health have adopted Stamets’ (now patented) microdosing stacking method.
- Zeta Leonis (Wikipedia)
Zeta Leonis (ζ Leonis, abbreviated Zeta Leo, ζ Leo), also named Adhafera /ædəˈfɪərə/, is a third-magnitude star in the constellation of Leo, the lion. It forms the second star (after Gamma Leonis) in the blade of the sickle, which is an asterism formed from the head of Leo.