function FetchHTML([string]$url) {
# Fetch the content from the URL.
try {
# Note: Invoke-WebRequest is used with -UseBasicParsing
# to avoid a hang that occurs randomly. For more info, see:
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -UseBasicParsing
} catch {
Write-Error "Failed to download content from $url. Error: $_"
# Manually parse the HTML using the StackOverflow solution.
$NormalHTML = New-Object -Com "HTMLFile"
return $NormalHTML
function NavigateToNext($html) { $anchorTags = $html.getElementsByTagName(“a”) foreach ($tag in $anchorTags) { if ($tag.className -eq “cc-next”) { $href = $tag.href
# For some reason, IE prefixes about: in front of a relative URL.
# Not sure what happens with absolute URLs. Either way, remove
# the about: prefix.
if ($href.StartsWith("about:")) {
$href = $href.Substring(6)
if ($href.StartsWith("/")) {
$href = "$href"
return $href
function TakeScreenshot { param ( [string]$WebsiteURL, [string]$OutputFile )
# TODO: stop using hard-coded path. Support Chrome too.
$BrowserPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe"
$arguments = `
"--headless " + `
"--screenshot=$OutputFile " + `
"--disable-gpu " + `
"--hide-scrollbars " + `
"--window-size=1280,720 " + `
# Take screenshot using Edge (or Chrome if changed)
# Credit: Copilot was instrumental in finding this approach to getting a screenshot.
Start-Process -FilePath $BrowserPath -ArgumentList $arguments -NoNewWindow -Wait
$index = 0 $website = “"
do {
TakeScreenshot -WebsiteURL $website -OutputFile "$PSScriptRoot\screenshot-$index.png"
$thisContent = FetchHTML $website
$website = NavigateToNext -html $thisContent
} while ($index -lt 10)
ffmpeg -framerate 1/3 -i “screenshot-%d.png” -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p output_video.mp4