- Reverse engineering the barrel shifter circuit on the Intel 386 processor die (righto.com)
The Intel 386 processor (1985) was a large step from the 286 processor, moving x86 to a 32-bit architecture. The 386 also dramatically improved the performance of shift and rotate operations by adding a “barrel shifter”, a circuit that can shift by multiple bits in one step. The die photo below shows the 386’s barrel shifter, highlighted in the lower left and taking up a substantial part of the die.
- Inside the Intel 386 processor die: the clock circuit (righto.com)
Processors are driven by a clock, which controls the timing of each step inside the chip. In this blog post, I’ll examine the clock-generation circuitry inside the Intel 386 processor. Earlier processors such as the 8086 (1978) were simpler, using two clock phases internally. The Intel 386 processor (1985) was a pivotal development for Intel as it moved x86 to CMOS (as well as being the first 32-bit x86 processor). The 386’s CMOS circuitry required four clock signals. An external crystal oscillator provided the 386 with a single clock signal and the 386’s internal circuitry generated four carefully-timed internal clock signals from the external clock.
- Reverse engineering the Intel 386 processor’s register cell (righto.com)
The groundbreaking Intel 386 processor (1985) was the first 32-bit processor in the x86 line. It has numerous internal registers: general-purpose registers, index registers, segment selectors, and more specialized registers. In this blog post, I look at the silicon die of the 386 and explain how some of these registers are implemented at the transistor level. The registers that I examined are implemented as static RAM, with each bit stored in a common 8-transistor circuit, known as “8T”. Studying this circuit shows the interesting layout techniques that Intel used to squeeze two storage cells together to minimize the space they require.
- Examining the silicon dies of the Intel 386 processor (righto.com)
You might think of the Intel 386 processor (1985) as just an early processor in the x86 line, but the 386 was a critical turning point for modern computing in several ways.1 First, the 386 moved the x86 architecture to 32 bits, defining the dominant computing architecture for the rest of the 20th century. The 386 also established the overwhelming importance of x86, not just for Intel, but for the entire computer industry. Finally, the 386 ended IBM’s control over the PC market, turning Compaq into the architectural leader.
- Reverse engineering standard cell logic in the Intel 386 processor (righto.com)
The 386 processor (1985) was Intel’s most complex processor at the time, with 285,000 transistors. Intel had scheduled 50 person-years to design the processor, but it was falling behind schedule. The design team decided to automate chunks of the layout, developing “automatic place and route” software.1 This was a risky decision since if the software couldn’t create a dense enough layout, the chip couldn’t be manufactured. But in the end, the 386 finished ahead of schedule, an almost unheard-of accomplishment.
- Two interesting XOR circuits inside the Intel 386 processor (righto.com)
Intel’s 386 processor (1985) was an important advance in the x86 architecture, not only moving to a 32-bit processor but also switching to a CMOS implementation. I’ve been reverse-engineering parts of the 386 chip and came across two interesting and completely different circuits that the 386 uses to implement an XOR gate: one uses standard-cell logic while the other uses pass-transistor logic. In this article, I take a look at those circuits.