- Reverse-engineering the adder inside the Intel 8086 (righto.com)
The Intel 8086 processor contains many interesting components that can be understood through reverse engineering. In this article, I’ll discuss the adder that is used for address calculations. The photo below shows the tiny silicon die of the 8086 processor under a microscope. The left part of the chip has the 16-bit datapath including the registers and the Arithmetic-Logic Unit (ALU); you can see the pattern of circuitry repeated 16 times. The rectangle in the lower-right is the microcode ROM, defining the execution of each instruction.
- Reverse-engineering the 8086 processor’s address and data pin circuits (righto.com)
The Intel 8086 microprocessor (1978) started the x86 architecture that continues to this day. In this blog post, I’m focusing on a small part of the chip: the address and data pins that connect the chip to external memory and I/O devices. In many processors, this circuitry is straightforward, but it is complicated in the 8086 for two reasons. First, Intel decided to package the 8086 as a 40-pin DIP, which didn’t provide enough pins for all the functionality. Instead, the 8086 multiplexes address, data, and status. In other words, a pin can have multiple roles, providing an address bit at one time and a data bit at another time.
- Reverse-engineering the 8086’s Arithmetic/Logic Unit from die photos (righto.com)
The Intel 8086 processor was introduced in 1978, setting the course of modern computing. While the x86 processor family has supported 64-bit processing for decades, the original 8086 was a 16-bit processor. As such, it has a 16-bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU).1 The arithmetic logic unit is the heart of a processor: it performs arithmetic operations such as addition and subtraction. It also carries out Boolean logic operations such as bitwise AND and OR as well as also bit shifts and rotates. Since a fast ALU is essential to the overall performance of a processor, ALUs often incorporate interesting design tricks.
- A bug fix in the 8086 microprocessor, revealed in the die’s silicon (righto.com)
The 8086 microprocessor was a groundbreaking processor introduced by Intel in 1978. It led to the x86 architecture that still dominates desktop and server computing. While reverse-engineering the 8086 from die photos, a particular circuit caught my eye because its physical layout on the die didn’t match the surrounding circuitry. This circuit turns out to implement special functionality for a couple of instructions, subtlely changing the way they interacted with interrupts. Some web searching revealed that this behavior was changed by Intel in 1978 to fix a problem with early versions of the 8086 chip. By studying the die, we can get an idea of how Intel dealt with bugs in the 8086 microprocessor.
- A close look at the 8086 processor’s bus hold circuitry (righto.com)
The Intel 8086 microprocessor (1978) revolutionized computing by founding the x86 architecture that continues to this day. One of the lesser-known features of the 8086 is the “hold” functionality, which allows an external device to temporarily take control of the system’s bus. This feature was most important for supporting the 8087 math coprocessor chip, which was an option on the IBM PC; the 8087 used the bus hold so it could interact with the system without conflicting with the 8086 processor.
- Inside the 8086 processor, tiny charge pumps create a negative voltage (righto.com)
Introduced in 1978, the revolutionary Intel 8086 microprocessor led to the x86 processors used in most desktop and server computing today. This chip is built from digital circuits, as you would expect. However, it also has analog circuits: charge pumps that turn the 8086’s 5-volt supply into a negative voltage to improve performance.1 I’ve been reverse-engineering the 8086 from die photos, and in this post I discuss the construction of these charge pumps and how they work.
conditional jump circuitry
- Reverse-engineering the conditional jump circuitry in the 8086 processor (righto.com)
Intel introduced the 8086 microprocessor in 1978 and it had a huge influence on computing. I’m reverse-engineering the 8086 by examining the circuitry on its silicon die and in this blog post I take a look at how conditional jumps are implemented. Conditional jumps are an important part of any instruction set, changing the flow of execution based on a condition. Although this instruction may seem simple, it involves many parts of the CPU: the 8086 uses microcode along with special-purpose condition logic.
- Inside a counterfeit 8086 processor (righto.com)
Intel introduced the 8086 processor in 1978, leading to the x86 architecture in use today. I’m currently reverse-engineering the circuitry of the 8086 so I’ve been purchasing vintage 8086 chips off eBay. One chip I received is shown below. From the outside, it looks like a typical Intel 8086.
decimal adjust after addition instruction
- Understanding the x86’s Decimal Adjust after Addition (DAA) instruction (righto.com)
I’ve been looking at the DAA machine instruction on x86 processors, a special instruction for binary-coded decimal arithmetic. Intel’s manuals document each instruction in detail, but the DAA description doesn’t make much sense. I ran an extensive assembly-language test of DAA on a real machine to determine exactly how the instruction behaves. In this blog post, I explain how the instruction works, in case anyone wants a better understanding.
- A look at the die of the 8086 processor (righto.com)
The Intel 8086 microprocessor was introduced 42 years ago this month,1 so I made some high-res die photos of the chip to celebrate. The 8086 is one of the most influential chips ever created; it started the x86 architecture that still dominates desktop and server computing today. By looking at the chip’s silicon, we can see the internal features of this chip.
- Die shrink: How Intel scaled down the 8086 processor (righto.com)
The revolutionary Intel 8086 microprocessor was introduced 42 years ago this month so I’ve been studying its die.1 I came across two 8086 dies with different sizes, which reveal details of how a die shrink works. The concept of a die shrink is that as technology improved, a manufacturer could shrink the silicon die, reducing costs and improving performance. But there’s more to it than simply scaling down the whole die. Although the internal circuitry can be directly scaled down,2 external-facing features can’t shrink as easily. For instance, the bonding pads need a minimum size so wires can be attached, and the power-distribution traces must be large enough for the current. The result is that Intel scaled the interior of the 8086 without change, but the circuitry and pads around the edge of the chip were redesigned.
- Reverse-engineering the division microcode in the Intel 8086 processor (righto.com)
While programmers today take division for granted, most microprocessors in the 1970s could only add and subtract — division required a slow and tedious loop implemented in assembly code. One of the nice features of the Intel 8086 processor (1978) was that it provided machine instructions for integer multiplication and division. Internally, the 8086 still performed a loop, but the loop was implemented in microcode: faster and transparent to the programmer. Even so, division was a slow operation, about 50 times slower than addition.
- Silicon reverse-engineering: the Intel 8086 processor’s flag circuitry (righto.com)
Status flags are a key part of most processors, indicating if an arithmetic result is negative, zero, or has a carry, for instance. In this post, I take a close look at the flag circuitry in the Intel 8086 processor (1978), the chip that launched the PC revolution.1 Looking at the silicon die of the 8086 reveals how its flags are implemented. The 8086’s flag circuitry is surprisingly complicated, full of corner cases and special handling. Moreover, I found an undocumented zero register that is used by the microcode.
- How flip-flops are implemented in the Intel 8086 processor (righto.com)
A key concept for a processor is the management of “state”, information that persists over time. Much of a computer is built from logic gates, such as NAND or NOR gates, but logic gates have no notion of time. Processors also need a way to hold values, along with a mechanism to move from step to step in a controlled fashion. This is the role of “sequential logic”, where the output depends on what happened before. Sequential logic usually operates off a clock signal,1 a sequence of regular pulses that controls the timing of the computer. (If you have a 3.2 GHz processor, for instance, that number is the clock frequency.)
- The Group Decode ROM: The 8086 processor’s first step of instruction decoding (righto.com)
A key component of any processor is instruction decoding: analyzing a numeric opcode and figuring out what actions need to be taken. The Intel 8086 processor (1978) has a complex instruction set, making instruction decoding a challenge. The first step in decoding an 8086 instruction is something called the Group Decode ROM, which categorizes instructions into about 35 types that control how the instruction is decoded and executed. For instance, the Group Decode ROM determines if an instruction is executed in hardware or in microcode. It also indicates how the instruction is structured: if the instruction has a bit specifying a byte or word operation, if the instruction has a byte that specifies the addressing mode, and so forth.
- Reverse-engineering the Intel 8086 processor’s HALT circuits (righto.com)
The 8086 processor was introduced in 1978 and has greatly influenced modern computing through the x86 architecture. One unusual instruction in this processor is HLT, which stops the processor and puts it in a halt state. In this blog post, I explain in detail how the halt circuitry is implemented and how it interacts with the 8086’s architecture.
instruction length decoding
- How the 8086 processor determines the length of an instruction (righto.com)
The Intel 8086 processor (1978) has a complicated instruction set with instructions ranging from one to six bytes long. This raises the question of how the processor knows the length of an instruction.1 The answer is that the 8086 uses an interesting combination of lookup ROMs and microcode to determine how many bytes to use for an instruction. In brief, the ROMs perform enough decoding to figure out if it needs one byte or two. After that, the microcode simply consumes instruction bytes as it needs them. Thus, nothing in the chip explicitly “knows” the length of an instruction. This blog post describes this process in more detail.
instruction prefetch circuitry
- Inside the 8086 processor’s instruction prefetch circuitry (righto.com)
The groundbreaking 8086 microprocessor was introduced by Intel in 1978 and led to the x86 architecture that still dominates desktop and server computing. One way that the 8086 increased performance was by prefetching: the processor fetches instructions from memory before they are needed, so the processor can execute them without waiting on the (relatively slow) memory. I’ve been reverse-engineering the 8086 from die photos and this blog post discusses what I’ve uncovered about the prefetch circuitry.
- Latches inside: Reverse-engineering the Intel 8086’s instruction register (righto.com)
The Intel 8086 microprocessor is one of the most influential chips ever created; it led to the x86 architecture that dominates desktop and server computing today. But it is still simple enough that its circuitry can be studied under the microscope and understood. In this post, I explain the implementation of a dynamic latch, a circuit that holds a single bit. The 8086 has over 80 latches scattered throughout the chip, holding a variety of important processor state bits,1 but I’ll focus on the eight latches that implement the instruction register and hold the instruction that is being executed.
- Tracing the roots of the 8086 instruction set to the Datapoint 2200 minicomputer (righto.com)
The Intel 8086 processor started the x86 architecture that is still extensively used today. The 8086 has some quirky characteristics: it is little-endian, has a parity flag, and uses explicit I/O instructions instead of just memory-mapped I/O. It has four 16-bit registers that can be split into 8-bit registers, but only one that can be used for memory indexing. Surprisingly, the reason for these characteristics and more is compatibility with a computer dating back before the creation of the microprocessor: the Datapoint 2200, a minicomputer with a processor built out of TTL chips. In this blog post, I’ll look in detail at how the Datapoint 2200 led to the architecture of Intel’s modern processors, step by step through the 8008, 8080, and 8086 processors.
- Reverse-engineering the interrupt circuitry in the Intel 8086 processor (righto.com)
Interrupts have been an important part of computers since the mid-1950s, providing a mechanism to interrupt a program’s execution. Interrupts allows the computer to handle time-critical tasks such as I/O device operations. In this blog post, I look at the interrupt features in the Intel 8086 (1978) and how they are implemented in silicon, a combination of interesting circuitry and microcode.
- How the 8086 processor’s microcode engine works (righto.com)
The 8086 microprocessor was a groundbreaking processor introduced by Intel in 1978. It led to the x86 architecture that still dominates desktop and server computing. The 8086 chip uses microcode internally to implement its instruction set. I’ve been reverse-engineering the 8086 from die photos and this blog post discusses how the chip’s microcode engine operated. I’m not going to discuss the contents of the microcode1 or how the microcode controls the rest of the processor here. Instead, I’ll look at how the 8086 decides what microcode to run, steps through the microcode, handles jumps and calls inside the microcode, and physically stores the microcode. It was a challenge to fit the microcode onto the chip with 1978 technology, so Intel used many optimization techniques to reduce the size of the microcode.
- The 8086 processor’s microcode pipeline from die analysis (righto.com)
Intel introduced the 8086 microprocessor in 1978, and its influence still remains through the popular x86 architecture. The 8086 was a fairly complex microprocessor for its time, implementing instructions in microcode with pipelining to improve performance. This blog post explains the microcode operations for a particular instruction, “ADD immediate”. As the 8086 documentation will tell you, this instruction takes four clock cycles to execute. But looking internally shows seven clock cycles of activity. How does the 8086 fit seven cycles of computation into four cycles? As I will show, the trick is pipelining.
- Reverse-engineering the ModR/M addressing microcode in the Intel 8086 processor (righto.com)
One interesting aspect of a computer’s instruction set is its addressing modes, how the computer determines the address for a memory access. The Intel 8086 (1978) used the ModR/M byte, a special byte following the opcode, to select the addressing mode.1 The ModR/M byte has persisted into the modern x86 architecture, so it’s interesting to look at its roots and original implementation.
multiplication instructions
- Reverse-engineering the multiplication algorithm in the Intel 8086 processor (righto.com)
While programmers today take multiplication for granted, most microprocessors in the 1970s could only add and subtract — multiplication required a slow and tedious loop implemented in assembly code. One of the nice features of the Intel 8086 processor (1978) was that it provided machine instructions for multiplication, able to multiply 8-bit or 16-bit numbers with a single instruction. Internally, the 8086 still performed a loop, but the loop was implemented in microcode: faster and transparent to the programmer. Even so, multiplication was a slow operation, about 24 to 30 times slower than addition.
- How the 8086 processor handles power and clock internally (righto.com)
One under-appreciated characteristic of early microprocessors is the difficulty of distributing power inside the integrated circuit. While a modern processor might have 15 layers of metal wiring, chips from the 1970s such as the 8086 had just a single layer of metal, making routing a challenge. Similarly, clock signals must be delivered to all parts of the chip to keep it in synchronization.
- Tania Australis (stars.astro.illinois.edu)
TANIA AUSTRALIS (Mu Ursae Majoris). Our Ursa Major, the Greater Bear, contains remnants of ancient Arabic constellations, the best-known example the star Alkaid, which refers to the leader of the daughters of a funeral bier. Southwest of the Dipper’s bowl lie three obvious pairs of stars that represent the bear’s paws, but to the Arabs were the tracks of leaping gazelles. The middle pair is the “second leap,” from which comes the name “Tania” (for “second”).
- Reverse-engineering the register codes for the 8086 processor’s microcode (righto.com)
Like most processors, the Intel 8086 (1978) provides registers that are faster than main memory. As well as the registers that are visible to the programmer, the 8086 has a handful of internal registers that are hidden from the user. Internally, the 8086 has a complicated scheme to select which register to use, with a combination of microcode and hardware. Registers are assigned a 5-bit identifying number, either from the machine instruction or from the microcode. In this blog post, I explain how this register system works.
- The microcode and hardware in the 8086 processor that perform string operations (righto.com)
Intel introduced the 8086 microprocessor in 1978. This processor ended up being hugely influential, setting the path for the x86 architecture that is extensively used today. One interesting feature of the 8086 was instructions that can efficiently operate on blocks of memory up to 64K bytes long. These instructions rapidly copy, compare, or scan data and are known as “string” instructions.
- 86-DOS Instruction Manual (patersontech.com)
86-DOS provides the tools needed to develop programs for the 8086, as well as a hardware-independent environment in which to run these programs. It is a very modular system. At its core is the disk file manager and I/O device handler, and everything else is considered a “user program”. This allows the system to be easily trailored to any custom requirements.
undocumented instructions
- Undocumented 8086 instructions, explained by the microcode (righto.com)
What happens if you give the Intel 8086 processor an instruction that doesn’t exist? A modern microprocessor (80186 and later) will generate an exception, indicating that an illegal instruction was executed. However, early microprocessors didn’t include the circuitry to detect illegal instructions, since the chips didn’t have transistors to spare. Instead these processors would do something, but the results weren’t specified.
- Intel 8086 (Wikipedia)
The 8086 (also called iAPX 86) is a 16-bit microprocessor chip designed by Intel between early 1976 and June 8, 1978, when it was released. The Intel 8088, released July 1, 1979, is a slightly modified chip with an external 8-bit data bus (allowing the use of cheaper and fewer supporting ICs), and is notable as the processor used in the original IBM PC design.