- Coastal Job: Jade Carver (hakaimagazine.com)
Justin Barrett is part of a community of divers who hunt for underwater jade in Big Sur, California. At his workshop in nearby Pacific Grove, he carves his finds into sculptures and jewelry that weave together elements of the natural world.
- World Report 2024: Nicaragua (hrw.org)
The government of President Daniel Ortega and his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, continued to repress all forms of dissent and isolate Nicaragua.
- Jade (Wikimedia)
Jade is an umbrella term for two different types of decorative rocks used for jewelry or ornaments. Jade is often referred to by either of two different silicate mineral names: nephrite (a silicate of calcium and magnesium in the amphibole group of minerals), or jadeite (a silicate of sodium and aluminum in the pyroxene group of minerals).