Family, friends, Buffalo community come together to remember Katherine Massey ( BUFFALO, N.Y. — Dozens of mourners entered Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church in downtown Buffalo on Monday to pay their final respects to Katherine Massey.
Messier 5 (Wikipedia) Messier 5 or M5 (also designated NGC 5904) is a globular cluster in the constellation Serpens. It was discovered by Gottfried Kirch in 1702.
In the late 1980s, Katherine “Kat” Massey was tired of the perpetually overgrown lot on state property on her street, so she sent a letter on “Cherry Street Block Club” letterhead to the governor which led to it being cleaned up. Massey was the only one who knew that the letterhead — and the block club — were her own creations and that she was the only “club” member.