- Alaska (Wikipedia)
Alaska (/əˈlæskə/ ə-LAS-kə) is a non-contiguous U.S. state on the northwest extremity of North America. It borders British Columbia and Yukon in Canada to the east and it shares a western maritime border in the Bering Strait with Russia’s Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. The Chukchi and Beaufort Seas of the Arctic Ocean lie to the north and the Pacific Ocean lies to the south. Technically a semi-exclave of the U.S., Alaska is the largest exclave in the world.
- You Are Here at the Green Creek Rest Area
- The approximate location of the Hubble Deep Field can be found by following a line from Phecda (γ) to Megrez (δ) and continuing on for the same distance again.
- This cluster [NGC 5286] is about 29 kly (8.9 kpc) from the Galactic Center and is currently orbiting in the Milky Way halo.
- It [NGC 6352] lies approximately 13 kly (4 kpc) from the Galactic Center and 1.6 kly (0.5 kpc) from the galactic plane.
- The space probe Voyager 1, the furthest man-made object from earth, is traveling in the direction of Ophiuchus. It is located between α Herculis, α Ophiuchi and κ Ophiuchi at right ascension 17h 13m and declination +12° 25’ (July 2020).
- The space probe New Horizons is moving on a trajectory out of the Solar System as of 2016 that places the probe in front of Sagittarius as seen from the Earth.
- It [Great Attractor] is situated at a distance of somewhere between 150 and 250 Mly (million light-years) (47–79 Mpc), the larger being the most recent estimate, away from the Milky Way, in the direction of the constellations Triangulum Australe (The Southern Triangle) and Norma (The Carpenter’s Square).
- The Solar System has been traveling through the region currently occupied by the Local Bubble for the last five to ten million years.
- The Solar System is located within a structure called the Local Bubble, a low-density region of the galactic interstellar medium. Within this region is the Local Interstellar Cloud (LIC), an area of slightly higher hydrogen density.
- The Solar System is located at a radius of about 27,000 light-years (8.3 kpc) from the Galactic Center, on the inner edge of the Orion Arm, one of the spiral-shaped concentrations of gas and dust.
- Moon names.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- The Orion arm is located between the Carina–Sagittarius Arm, the local portion of which projects toward the Galactic Center, and the Perseus Arm’s local portion, which forms the main outer-most arm. It is one of the two major arms of the galaxy.
- The Solar System is close to its [Orion Arm’s] inner rim, about halfway along the arm’s length, in a relative cavity in the arm’s interstellar medium, known as the Local Bubble.
- Houthi movement (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- The state fairgrounds, adjacent the Saint Paul campus of the University of Minnesota, are in Falcon Heights, Minnesota, midway between the state’s capital city of Saint Paul and the adjacent city of Roseville, near the Como Park and Saint Anthony Park neighborhoods of Saint Paul.
- Located 12 kilometers southwest of the ancient site of Ur, Eridu was the southernmost of a conglomeration of Sumerian cities that grew around temples, almost in sight of one another.
- [Plover Spit] projects into the [Providence] bay from the eastern shore about 8 km from the mouth of the fjord.
- The tip of the [Plover] spit is Mys Gaydamak.
- Al-Karak lies 140 kilometres (87 mi) to the south of Amman on the ancient King’s Highway.
- Kootenai County Idaho Incorporated and Unincorporated areas Coeur d’Alene Highlighted 1616750.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Ramsey County Minnesota Incorporated and Unincorporated areas Lauderdale Highlighted.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Ramsey County Minnesota Incorporated and Unincorporated areas Little Canada Highlighted.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Washington County Minnesota Incorporated and Unincorporated areas Oakdale Highlighted.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Washington County Minnesota Incorporated and Unincorporated areas Pine Springs Highlighted.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Ramsey County Minnesota Incorporated and Unincorporated areas White Bear Lake Highlighted.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- The city [Port Angeles] is situated on the northern edge of the Olympic Peninsula along the shore of the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
- King County Washington Incorporated and Unincorporated areas Des Moines Highlighted.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- The city [Lake Forest Park] is situated at the northwest end of Lake Washington along State Route 522, which provides connections to Seattle and Bothell.
- The Wild Horse Wind Farm, owned by Puget Sound Energy, is located on ridge tops near Vantage.
- Meadowdale is located along the eastern edge of Possession Sound in an area bounded by the cities of Edmonds and Lynnwood to the south, 148th Street Southwest to the north, and 52nd Avenue West to the east. All residences in the area use Edmonds addresses. The land area is 1.07 sq. miles.
- Puget Sound lies to the west of the town [Woodway], including an unincorporated area known as Point Wells.
- Walla Walla County Washington Incorporated and Unincorporated areas Walla Walla Highlighted.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Antarctica (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Minnesota highlighting Anoka County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Minnesota highlighting Chisago County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Minnesota highlighting Dakota County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Minnesota highlighting Hennepin County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Minnesota highlighting Ramsey County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Minnesota highlighting Washington County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Adams County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Asotin County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Benton County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Chelan County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Clallam County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Located in Clallam County is Cape Alava, the westernmost point in both Washington and the contiguous United States, with a longitude of 124 degrees, 43 minutes and 59 seconds West (−124.733).
- Map of Washington highlighting Clark County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Columbia County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Cowlitz County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Douglas County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Ferry County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Franklin County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Garfield County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Grant County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Grays Harbor County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Island County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Jefferson County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting King County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Kitsap County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Kittitas County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Klickitat County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Lewis County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Lincoln County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Mason County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Okanogan County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Pacific County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Pend Oreille County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Pierce County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting San Juan County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Skagit County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Skamania County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Snohomish County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Spokane County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Stevens County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Thurston County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Wahkiakum County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Walla Walla County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Whatcom County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Whitman County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Washington highlighting Yakima County.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Afghanistan (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Location Albania Europe.png (Wikimedia Commons)
- Algeria (centered orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Andorra in Europe (zoomed).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Angola (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- ATG orthographic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- ARG orthographic (+all claims).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Armenia (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Australia with AAT (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- EU-Austria (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Azerbaijan orthographic projection.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- The Bahamas on the globe (Americas centered).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Map of Bahrain.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Bangladesh (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- BRB orthographic.svg (Wikipedia)
- Europe-Belarus (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- EU-Belgium.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- BLZ orthographic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Benin (orthographic projection with inset).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Bhutan (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- BOL orthographic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Europe-Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Botswana (centered orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- BRA orthographic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Brunei (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- EU-Bulgaria.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Burkina Faso (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Burundi (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Cambodia on the globe (Cambodia centered).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Cameroon (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- CAN orthographic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Cape Verde (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Central African Republic (centered orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Chad (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- CHL orthographic (+all claims).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- CHN orthographic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- File:COL orthographic (San Andrés and Providencia special).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Comoros (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- CRI_orthographic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- EU-Croatia.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- CUB orthographic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Republic of Cyprus (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- EU-Czech Republic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Democratic Republic of the Congo (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- EU-Denmark.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Djibouti (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Dominica on the globe (Americas centered).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Dominican Republic (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Timor Leste (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- ECU_orthographic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- EGY orthographic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- El Salvador (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- England in the UK and Europe.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- GNQ orthographic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Eritrea (Africa orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- EU-Estonia.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Eswatini on the globe (special marker) (Madagascar centered).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Ethiopia (Africa orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Micronesia on the globe (small islands magnified) (Polynesia centered).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Fiji on the globe (small islands magnified) (Polynesia centered).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- EU-Finland (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- EU-France (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- French Guiana in France 2016.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Gabon (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Georgia (orthographic projection with inset).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- EU-Germany (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Ghana (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- EU-Greece (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Grenada on the globe (Americas centered).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Guatemala (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Guyana (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Haiti (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- HND_orthographic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- EU-Hungary.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Iceland (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- India (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Indonesia (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Iran (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Iraq (orthographic).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- EU-Ireland (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Israel (centered orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- EU-Italy (orthographic projection).svg
- Côte d’Ivoire (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Jamaica (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Japan (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Jordan (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Kazakhstan (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Kenya (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Kiribati on the globe (Polynesia centered).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Europe-Republic of Kosovo.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- KWT orthographic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Kyrgyzstan (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Laos (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- EU-Latvia.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Lebanon (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Lesotho (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Libya (centered orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Europe-Liechtenstein.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- EU-Lithuania.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- EU-Luxembourg.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Madagascar (centered orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Malawi (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Malaysia (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Maldives (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Mali (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- EU-Malta.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Marshall Islands on the globe (small islands magnified) (Polynesia centered).svg (Wikimedia Common)
- Mauritania (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Mauritius (orthographic projection with inset).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- MEX_orthographic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Europe-Moldova.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Monaco Europe Location.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Mongolia (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Europe-Montenegro.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Morocco (orthographic projection, WS claimed).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Mozambique (orthographic projection).svg
- Myanmar (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Namibia (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- NRU orthographic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Nepal (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- EU-Netherlands.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- NZL orthographic NaturalEarth.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- NIC_orthographic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Niger (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Nigeria (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Europe-Republic of North Macedonia.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Northern Cyprus (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Europe-Norway (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Oman (better) (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- PAK orthographic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Palau on the globe (Southeast Asia centered) (small islands magnified).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- State of Palestine (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- PAN_orthographic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- PNG orthographic.svg (Wikipedia)
- PRY orthographic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- PER orthographic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- PHL orthographic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- EU-Poland (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- EU-Portugal (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- QAT orthographic.svg (Wikipedia)
- Republic of the Congo (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- EU-Romania (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Russian Federation (orthographic projection) - All Territorial Disputes.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Location Rwanda AU Africa.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- KNA orthographic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Saint Lucia on the globe (Americas centered).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- VCT orthographic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Samoa on the globe (Polynesia centered).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Location San Marino Europe.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Location São Tomé and Príncipe AU Africa.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Saudi Arabia (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Scotland in the UK and Europe.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Senegal (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Serbia (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Location Seychelles AU Africa.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Singapore on the globe (Southeast Asia centered) zoom.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- EU-Slovakia.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- EU-Slovenia.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Solomon Islands on the globe (Oceania centered).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Somalia (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- ZAF orthographic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Republic of Korea (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- SouthOssetiaorthographicprojection.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- South Sudan (orthographic projection) highlighted.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- EU-Spain (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Sri Lanka (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Sudan (orthographic projection) highlighted.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- SURINAME orthographic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- EU-Sweden (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Switzerland (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Syria (orthographic projection) disputed.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- ROC Taiwan (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Tajikistan (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Tanzania (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Thailand (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Location Togo AU Africa.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Tonga on the globe (Polynesia centered).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- File:Transnistria in Europe (zoomed).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Trinidad and Tobago (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Tunisia location (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Turkey (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Turkmenistan on the globe (Afro-Eurasia centered).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Tuvalu on the globe (Polynesia centered).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Location Uganda AU Africa.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Ukraine (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- United Arab Emirates (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Europe-UK (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- USA orthographic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- URY orthographic.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Uzbekistan (centered orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Vanuatu on the globe (Polynesia centered).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Location of the Vatican City in Europe.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Venezuela Orthographic Map.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Vietnam (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Yemen on the globe (Yemen centered).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Zambia (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Zimbabwe (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Gulf of oman location map without border.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Hispaniola (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Lake-Erie.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Lake-Huron.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Lake-Michigan.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Lake-Ontario.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Lake-Superior.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- The [Chinook] pass is located on the crest of the Cascade Range, along a ridge between Yakima Peak to the northwest of the pass, and Naches Peak to the southeast.
- Hinkhouse Peak is situated north of Washington Pass, at the east end of a high ridge which connects to Cutthroat Peak. A high ridge extending northeast connects it to Constitution Crags.
- New York City location Brooklyn.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- New York City location Manhattan.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- New York City location Queens.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- New York City location Staten Island.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- New York City location Bronx.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- The Pigeon Point neighborhood is located on a high bluff directly south of the West Seattle Bridge at the south end of Elliott Bay.
- View Ridge is located on a hill overlooking Magnuson Park as well as the former Naval Air Station Seattle.
- Arabian Peninsula.svg
- Crimea (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- It is based out of a roundhouse on Cleveland Ave. in St. Paul just blocks south of the former Amtrak station and its main yard is just to the north of the station.
- The belt line ran 14 miles from the Northern Pacific and Great Northern tracks in Fridley, called Belt Line Junction, to the Minneapolis stock yards in New Brighton.
- Map of East African countries.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Northwestern Europe (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Sicily in Italy.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Palouse grasslands map.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Oceania (centered orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Caribbean Sea in its region.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Alberta in Canada 2.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- British Columbia in Canada 2.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Manitoba in Canada 2.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- New Brunswick in Canada 2.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada 2.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Nova Scotia in Canada 2.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Ontario in Canada 2.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Prince Edward Island in Canada (special marker) 2.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Quebec in Canada 2.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Saskatchewan in Canada 2.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Northwest Territories in Canada 2.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Nunavut in Canada 2.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Yukon in Canada 2.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Campeche in Mexico.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Quintana Roo in Mexico (location map scheme).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Tabasco in Mexico (location map scheme).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Tamaulipas in Mexico (location map scheme).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Veracruz in Mexico (location map scheme).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Yucatan in Mexico (location map scheme).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Locator map of Kalmykia, Russia (2014–2022).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Akrotiri and Dhekelia in United Kingdom.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Anguilla in United Kingdom.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Gibraltar location in Europe.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands in United Kingdom.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Alabama in United States.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Florida in United States.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Louisiana in United States.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Minnesota in United States.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Mississippi in United States.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Rhode Island in United States (zoom) (extra close).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Texas in United States.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Vermont in United States (zoom).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Europe-Faroe Islands.svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Greenland (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- American Samoa on the globe (Polynesia centered).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Puerto Rico (orthographic projection).svg (Wikimedia Commons)
- The three aerial FM radio and television towers are just north along I-694 in Shoreview, the suburb just north of Arden Hills and Roseville on the St. Paul side of the Twin Cities. Telefarm Towers are the pair to the west, and KMSP Tower is to the east.
- KMSP sits right in the middle of a county park, and, in fact, one set of guy wires that hold it aloft terminate on a jetty in the middle of a marshy lake.