- Peter Boulay, Maplewood Heritage Preservation Commissioner
- Lake Phalen is named for Phalen Creek that flows out the south end of the lake. Edward Phalen (or Phelan) was a former soldier that settled along a creek that flowed between Phalen Lake and the Mississippi River. In 1838, he was discharged from Fort Snelling. He took a series of claims around St. Paul and lived in a cabin about a mile away from the other settlers.
- Corvus (Wikipedia)
Corvus is a widely distributed genus of medium-sized to large birds in the family Corvidae. It includes species commonly known as crows, ravens, and rooks. The species commonly encountered in Europe are the carrion crow, hooded crow, common raven, and rook; those discovered later were named “crow” or “raven” chiefly on the basis of their size, crows generally being smaller. The genus name is Latin for “raven”.