Wherfore yf thy right eye offende ye plucke hym out and caste him from the. Better it is for the yt one of thy membres perisshe then that thy hole bodye shuld be cast into hell.
Now look, you people at the Justice Department cannot have it both ways! You hired me to entertain. If you want keep the people away from tax revolts, food riots, and bread lines and parked in front of their TVs you sure as hell are not going to do that with reruns of Gilligan’s Island!Damon Killian, The Running Man (1987)
Also if thy right honde offend ye cut hym of and caste hym from the. Better yt ys that one of thy membres perisshe then that all thy body shulde be caste in to hell.Matthew 5:30 TYN
But I say vnto you that whosoeuer looketh on a wyfe lustynge after her hathe comitted advoutrie with hir alredy in his hert.Matthew 5:28 TYN