- when the director accidentally makes a classic (YouTube)
When Steven Spielberg and George Lucas set out to make Raiders of the Lost Ark they wanted to make a fun, action-adventure, B-movie like the ones they grew up with. But they got a lot more than they bargained for. Through a range of really simple filmmaking technique executed frequently and excellently, Raiders of the Lost Ark became an instant classic, birthing the Indiana Jones franchise, and remaining in the public imagination for over 40 years.
- NGC 4372 (Wikipedia)
NGC 4372 (also known as Caldwell 108) is a globular cluster in the southern constellation of Musca. It is southwest of γ Muscae (Gamma Muscae) and west of the southern end of the Dark Doodad Nebula (Sandqvist 149), a 3° thin streak of black across a southern section of the great plane of the Milky Way.