Reflection off Swamp Creek (1 of 3)
Reflection off Swamp Creek (2 of 3)
Reflection off Swamp Creek (3 of 3)
on this day
Bumpy path in Wallace Swamp Creek Park
Entry to Wallace Swamp Creek Park
First view of Quinn’s Bench near Swamp Creek
Japanese Knotweed near Swamp Creek
Japanese pieris in the parking lot
Left selfie in Swamp Creek
Looking back on the pathway
Manhole cover near Swamp Creek
Mossy tree trunk near Swamp Creek
Pools of water along Swamp Creek
Quinn’s Bench near Swamp Creek
Reflection off Swamp Creek (2 of 3)
Reflection off Swamp Creek (3 of 3)
Right selfie in Swamp Creek
Roots in the pathway near Swamp Creek (1 of 3)
Roots in the pathway near Swamp Creek (2 of 3)
Roots in the pathway near Swamp Creek (3 of 3)
Sitka willow near Swamp Creek
Twin trees near Swamp Creek
Waterfall in Wallace Swamp Creek Park
photograph of
Swamp Creek
Wallace Swamp Creek Park
Kenmore, Washington