- Blyth Park (wta.gov)
Blyth Park lies along the Sammamish River in the City of Bothell. Hiking trails extend from this more developed area out through the woods and along the river. Some trails are more developed while others are impromptu social trails.
- Address to citizens of Russia (en.kremlin.ru)
I am addressing you today in connection with a horrific and savage act of terrorism, which claimed the lives of dozens of peaceful, innocent people – our compatriots, including children, teenagers, and women.
- Sammamish River (Wikipedia)
The Sammamish River (also known as Sammamish Slough) flows through north King County, Washington for about 14 miles (23 km), draining Lake Sammamish into Lake Washington. Along its course, the Sammamish River flows through Redmond, Woodinville, Bothell, and Kenmore.