- Victor E. Camp
- Stephen P. Reidel
- Martin E. Ross
- Richard J. Brown
- Stephen Self
- This field-trip guide explores the main source region of the CRBG and is written for trip participants attending the 2017 International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior (IAVCEI) Scientific Assembly in Portland, Oregon, USA. The first part of the guide provides an overview of the geologic features common in the CRFBP and the stratigraphic terminology used in the CRBG. The accompanying road log examines the stratigraphic evolution, eruption history, and structure of the province through a field examination of the lavas, dikes, and pyroclastic rocks of the CRBG
- Although this information product largely is in the public domain, it may also contain copyrighted materials as noted in the text. Permission to reproduce copyrighted items must be secured from the copyright owner
- Alien (franchise) (allthetropes.org)
A multimedia franchise and the first to successfully combine science fiction with Body Horror and actually make it scary, instead of cheesy. The franchise spans several comic books, video games and foremost a tetralogy of films, each with a different visionary director and all starring Sigourney Weaver.