northwest waterfall survey
- Showshoe Falls (
Snowshoe Falls is the largest waterfall along Denny Creek, but because it’s both difficult to access from below, and very hard to see from above, it doesn’t receive nearly the amount of attention that neighboring Keekwulee Falls does. Snowshoe Falls is tucked at the head of a narrow gorge, about ½ mile upstream from Keekwulee Falls, but because of the steepness of the canyon walls, it’s much more difficult to see the falls in entirety.
- Almach (
ALMACH (Gamma Andromedae). You take your new telescope to the back yard perhaps wondering what to examine. When finished with the Moon and the bright planets you turn to the stars, first perhaps to the grand Orion Nebula, next maybe to the magnificent Andromeda Galaxy. Then it is time for double stars. The sky abounds with them, northern winter’s Castor, springtime’s Mizar and Alcor, summer’s Albireo (the seasons reversed for the southern hemisphere), dozens of others easily found. Among the best of all, however, is the last star of the string of bright beauties that helps make the constellation Andromeda, second magnitude (2.16) Almach, Andromeda’s Gamma star.