- Euclid’s new image of star-forming region Messier 78 ESA497237.jpg (Wikimedia Commons)
- Old Robe Trail - Robe Canyon Historical Park (willhiteweb.com)
If you are at all fascinated by the history of the Monte Cristo area, you need to see the tunnels of the Monte Cristo Railroad near Granite Falls. The railroad tunnels were constructed in 1892 as part of the rail line between Everett and Monte Cristo. In Robe Canyon, they constructed three bridges and six tunnels. Shortly after, a storm washed out the grade and buried parts of it in landslides. The river would even travel through the tunnels washing everything away. After this happened a few times, they decided to embed the rail ties in concrete, including through tunnel #6.
- Stillaguamish River (Wikipedia)
The Stillaguamish River is a river in the northwestern region of the U.S. state of Washington. It is mainly composed of two forks, the longer North Fork Stillaguamish (45 miles (72 km)) and the South Fork Stillaguamish. The two forks join near Arlington. From there the Stillaguamish River proper flows for 22 miles (35 km) to Puget Sound. The river’s watershed drains part of the Cascade Range north of Seattle.