People fishing at Wakefield Park drain
Start of the trail to Wakefield Park drain
Under the Snoqualmie Tunnel
Conifers along Rattlesnake Ridge Trail
Mossy trees on Rattlesnake Ridge
Icy patch on Ptarmigan Ridge Trail
Trail to Mount Baker
Trail through Centennial Park
First view of Quinn’s Bench near Swamp Creek
Japanese Knotweed near Swamp Creek
Quinn’s Bench near Swamp Creek
Tree split in two
Glacial erratic at William O’Brien (1 of 3)
Glacial erratic at William O’Brien (2 of 3)
Glacial erratic at William O’Brien (3 of 3)
Sammamish River Trail sign in Bothell
Sunlight through the trees at Olympic View
Interurban Trail at 220th St SW
Walker Valley gate
Trail through the forest north of Martha Lake Airport Park
Trail closed at Titlow
ONELOVE low effort graffiti on Hansen Creek Trail
Alpental Goat Trail
Burke–Gilman Trail
Butte Creek Day-Use Area
Cache Crater Overlook
Denny Creek Trail
Fort Ward to Blakely Harbor Trail
Franklin Falls Trail
Great American Rail-Trail (
Interurban Trail
Jesus Trail
Lime Kiln Trail
Odessa Craters Trail
Ptarmigan Ridge Trail
Sammamish River Trail
Skyline Trail
Tolt Pipeline Trail
Tower Hill
Washington Pass Overlook Trail