- How Water Towers Work (practical.engineering)
Clean water is one of humanity’s most fundamental needs, and those of us who live in urban areas usually get our water from some kind of centralized public system. Operating a water system is a major responsibility that has implications for public health and safety. In dense urban areas, a clean and abundant supply of water is an absolute necessity, not just for drinking, but also for sanitation and firefighting.
- Star Tales - Libra (ianridpath.com)
In ancient Greek times, the area of sky we know as Libra was occupied by the claws of the scorpion, Scorpius. Aratus and Eratosthenes, among others, called this area Χηλαί (Chelae), literally meaning ‘claws’, an identification that lives on in the names of the individual stars of Libra (see below). As things have worked out, Libra is now a slightly larger constellation than Scorpius, but is much less conspicuous.