- Here, in one place, are all the manuals we have for Digital Research software products. These manuals have been produced by scanning, and ocr’ing, the originals. Where possible, the look and feel of the original has been preserved as much as possible. The manuals presented here have been through an extensive clean-up process. OCR is not an exact art, at least not in the affordable software available for the PC, so a separate cleanup process is necessary to produce a pretty manual.
- Joe Rogan (Wikipedia)
Joseph James Rogan (born August 11, 1967) is an American podcaster, UFC color commentator, comedian, actor, and former television host. He hosts The Joe Rogan Experience, a podcast in which he discusses current events, comedy, politics, aliens, religion, philosophy, science, martial arts, and hobbies with celebrity guests. His podcast channel is one of the most influential and most watched podcasts in the world.