Digital Atlas of Scientific Life of
- Gastropods are the second largest class of animals (after the Insecta)—with 40,000–90,000 living species and at least 13,000 extant and fossil genera (Ponder and Lindberg, 2020)—and are also one of the most evolutionarily successful groups in the variety of ecosystems and habitats that they occupy.
- Star Tales - Indus (
Indus is one of the 12 figures formed by the Dutch navigators Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser and Frederick de Houtman from stars they charted in the southern hemisphere on their voyages to the East Indies at the end of the 16th century. It was first shown in 1598 on a globe by the Dutch cartographer Petrus Plancius and first appeared in print in 1603 on the Uranometria atlas of Johann Bayer.