- Benton County is located in the southeastern portion of Washington state at the confluence of the Columbia, Snake, and Yakima rivers. The land, part of the semi-arid Columbia Basin, lies in the rain shadow of the Cascade Mountains and is naturally dry. But the soil is fertile and supports native plants such as bunch grasses and sagebrush.
- Rigil Kentaurus (stars.astro.illinois.edu)
RIGIL KENTAURUS (Alpha Centauri) with PROXIMA CENTAURI (Alpha Cen C). Among the most famed stars of the entire sky, surely rival in renown to Sirius and Polaris even though not visible to much of the world’s population, is the “foot of the Centaur,” Rigil Kentaurus, “Rigil Kent,” the first star of Centaurus, probably much better known as Alpha Centauri or just Alpha Cen.